We're expert


Explore the process in which we prepare your healthy meals


Dikshitha Hatcheries is reputed for having the finest poultry infrastructures located at Tamilnadu, Our core operations are strategically located various Places in Tamilnadu and heading for expansion country wide. Our facilities constitute of separate brooding, growing and laying sheds, cold storage rooms for hatching eggs, farms and hatcheries.

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Ross Breeds are best in the taste and Meat Yield. Guaranteed Hatchabiltiy of 80%. From Younger Flocks. Clean Eggs, Standard Egg Weight of 58 to 68 gram. For Export Customer we arrange export packing of 360 Eggs per Carton of Hatching Eggs through Air Cargo Services. For Domestic we supply 210 Eggs per Carton.

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Dikshitha Hatcheries has always recognized, collaborated and relied on its relationships with farming communities and stood for the economic viability and independence of family farms. Currently we actively engage with and support contract farmers by mitigating economic risk by up to 97% and through technology and knowledge transfer.

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Let's work together

Dikshitha Hatcheries

Are you a Trader, Supplier or Farmer
interested in setting up business and realizing success

Call us +91 93630 67700
