Aviagen broiler breeders

Broiler - ROSS 308 AP 95

The ross AP95 , Offers excellent live broiler and processing performance. Ross AP95 has balanced range of characteristics, this approach ensures that the birds are capable of performing to the highest stranderd in a wide variety of environments.

Characteristics of commercial importance such as growth rate, feed conversion ratio(FCR), livability, and meat yield are consistently improved. Ross AP95 benefits the market with low-cost production, combined with robustness and excellent uniformity.

Ross is the world’s number one broiler breeder brand. With a product range that offers customers the solution for all requirements, first-class genetics and product performance and a comprehensive global distributor network, it is no wonder Ross is the breed of choice for the global poultry industry. The Ross product range provides customers all over the world with performance that best suits their needs. Whatever Ross product is used, customers can be assured that each one will add value to their operations, through their first-class health traits and all-round performance.

Our live birds are marketed through our various facility at day today published rates.

To buy our healthy birds please contact our marketing team.

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